Sunday, January 11, 2015


I know this is a lot of pictures, but I had a long break from school, so what do you expect? If you have seen Pam's blog, you will notice a few repeats.

Snowboarding with McCalle Hazen and others at Sundance. It snowed all day and we had a blast.

 Jason and Deb and I read an abridged version of The Christmas Carol. Probably my favorite rendition ever. The many accents employed by all of us made for some good laughs.

Gingerbread houses.

I just love this picture.

To the temple lights!

Pam and Rob have a cool tradition of mixing drinks... I mean Bahama Bucks snowcones... at Christmas time. We had a nice sunny and warm day at the park.

Christmas morning.

Hens playing king of the mountain.

I had a lot of fin with her.

Oh and this was cool. Until it fell over.

My parents, Kim, Nate, and Brother and Sister Hall  (pictured below) got to attend the new Gilbert Temple together. It was one of the best parts of the trip.

Also a highlight - visiting my mission president and his wife. I love and respect them more and more.

Kim took my parents and I to the Musical Instrument Museum. It was really cool.

Rollerblading around Tempe Town Lake has become a tradition of our every time I visit.

The lifesize legos are also a great way to keep the kids contained.

In addition to "Uncle Dave" I went by "bavid" while visiting.

Christmas Eve dinner!

My new favorite picture of my mom.

Doin' hair. It's just what we do.

I liked this picture of Luc and I. And Nate. In fact, this is the best photobomb I have seen in a while. He just had to subtly glance up at just the right moment...

To anyone looking at the blog who has ever seen me wear this shirt and wondered why I wear it.. here is your answer. Its all because of her.

Saved the best for last...


Pam said...

Love all of the pictures and I miss you!
Sister Hall

Andy and Saramarie Bourne said...

Those are great pictures! So fun!

mhall said...

That last photo is my favorite, too!