Monday, December 29, 2008

Wuv... Twue wuv...

I had one of the greatest experiences this last weekend attending Tanner's wedding. I am sure most of you reading this blog have heard me talk about him before but for those who haven't, he is a companion I served with on my mission and we have lived together at college since then. He is a true friend in every sense of the word. He married Jennifer Trembley, a girl he has grown up with in Hollister, CA. They look so good together! The reception was completely amazing and they had a beautiful sealing.


Elise said...

Davy Boy-
How are you?! I hope you are enjoying college life and are continuing to leave large footprints for future students to fill. I talked to Oliver a while back & he said you were taking seminary teaching classes. If that is true, that's awesome & a dream of mine. I can absolutely see you teaching seminary. Enjoy the rest of your break.

Elise said...

Glad to hear things are going well.
I have been back from Maine for a little while and am just about to start working at Aspen Grove. I think your sister still works there, so you can send special messages for her and I will deliver them if you'd like. Are you off track this semester? or what are your plans? Have a fantastic day.

Elise said...

I start on monday & am just working until April. Then I plan on continuing learning at BYU or finding a job, I cannot decide.

I am so excited to work in that environment & it will be fun to be around your sister. You've got to come visit, it will be a party & 1/2. Study hard and have a great semester.

Elise said...

You should most definitely visit. If seeing your sister & I are not big enough incentives, come for the cross country skiing!
Have the greatest day of your life!